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How to Wake Board & Water Ski

Bali Wake Park & Aqualand

Lessons Available Daily from 10AM to 12 Noon

How to Wake Board & Water Ski

To help you get up to speed faster, we have put together this How to Wake Board & Water Ski guide to answer your key question of How to Wake Board & Water Ski. We recommend starting out on a knee board. This is the easiest way to get the feel for the cable and getting your balance. Next move up to water skiing and learn how to get your balance standing up but with both legs outside for better stability. Once you get the hang of water skiing, you’re ready to move up to Wake Boarding.

Follow our easy to use How to Wake Board & Water Ski guide below

How to Knee Board

1. Getting Started

  • Pull the handle into your waist
  • Lean forward a bit
  • Keep the board straight
  • Don’t pull on the rope, let the rope pull you

2. Stabilizing

  • Lean forward slightly
  • Shift your weight left or right to steer

3. On the turns

  • Stay between the red buoys going into turns
  • Lean back and to the left a bit
  • Lift your right leg up slightly

How to Water Ski

1. Getting Started

  • Squat down a bit
  • Keep arms straight
  • Keep the Skis straight
  • Don’t pull on the rope, let the rope pull you

2. Stabilizing

  • Don’t pull your arms in
  • Slowly stand up
  • Squat again if you are unsure, especially into the corners

3. On the turns

  • Stay between the red buoys going into turns
  • Look up a bit
  • Squat slightly when the carrier reaches the pulley
  • Lean left a bit and turn left

How to Wake Board

1. Getting Started

  • Sit on the bench
  • Put the board in the water
  • Wait for the cable to pull you
  • Lean back slightly

2. Stabilizing

  • Don’t pull your arms in
  • Slowly stand up
  • Squat a bit if you are unsure

3. On the turns

  • Stay between the red buoys going into turns
  • Squat slightly when the carrier reaches the pulley
  • Lean left a bit and turn left

There you have it. How to Wake Board & Water Ski easily at Bali Wake Park & Aqualand

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